
Education is an essential part of Emanuel's life and ministry. Our mission is always to help people of all ages grow in their faith. Life in community is fundamental to our Lutheran faith practice. Gathering together is the way we choose to explore, discuss, and hopefully gain new understanding about what it means to be a follower of Jesus in our time.

The modern world can be a trying place, yet we believe it is our gift from God and is filled with beauty and wonder. Learning is one of the ways that we uncover that beauty and wonder.

We, the people of Emanuel, believe that we are called by God to continually study, practice, and learn how to be the hands and heart of God in the world. It is in that spirit that we welcome everyone to learn along with us.

Adult Forum

Adult Forum is an opportunity for the community to tackle current events and controversial topics in a safe environment. Forums are facilitated by someone with expertise and/or preparatory research on the subject matter. The typical format is an introductory presentation, followed by discussion. Discussion is typically lively, although always respectful of the diversity of opinion in the room.

Our goal in Adult Forum is to develop an understanding of the topic discussed from a perspective that is grounded in our Lutheran theology.

Adult Forum typically meets twice per month after Sunday worship in the Founders’ Lounge.

Please check our social media for the next scheduled forum.

* If there’s a topic you’d like to see us discuss, please let us know. *

Bible Study

Our Bible Study group meets weekly to talk about Scripture. Sometimes, we read directly from the Bible and sometimes we read from other sources to help us gain a better understanding of the context in which the book was written.

Our goal in Bible Study is to grow closer to God through study and by opening our hearts to the work of the Spirit.

Our Bible Study group meets at the Somerset Diner at 6pm on Thursdays.

Confirmation Class

Confirmation is a program geared towards teens who are looking to mature in their relationship with God and the church. Through study and exercises, students learn what it means to a disciple of Jesus. Our teaching is grounded in our Lutheran traditions and Jesus’ command to love God and love our neighbors. Confirmation is typically held on Reformation Sunday (the last Sunday in October).

Our goal in Confirmation Class is to show young people that faith is a journey, not a destination, and that it can enrich their lives in good times and provide comfort in bad times.