Fundamental to our Lutheran tradition, a congregation is a community of people who all contribute to the life of the church. We say those contributions take the form of time, talent, or treasure. Treasure is our tithes or donations. Time and talent consist of the myriad ways that we make an offering of ourselves to God.
The work of Emanuel is administered by several committees and overseen by the Church Council. All members of Emanuel are encouraged to participate in a committee, or committees, in areas that interest them or where they have expertise.
The following is a brief description of Emanuel's committees:.
Altar Guild
The Altar Guild prepares the sanctuary for worship, including changing the paraments to match the liturgical color, setting up for Communion, and decorating for holidays. If you are interested in participating in the Altar Guild, please contact Peg Lens.
The Education Committee coordinates learning opportunities for the congregation, including Adult Forum, Bible Study, and Confirmation Class. If you are interested in participating in the Education Committee, please contact Tiina Nummela.
Emanuel Cares
Emanuel Cares ensures that all congregants feel part of the community and receive the loving care that they need. Emanuel Cares oversees the visitation program for hospitalized and homebound members. If you are interested in participating in Emanuel Cares, please contact Susan Mitchell.
The Endowment/Parsonage Committee administers the endowment and parsonage funds for the church. The committee evaluates grant proposals that are submitted to access funds from the accounts and disburses funds according to the rules of the committee. If you are interested in participating in the Endowment/Parsonage Committee, please contact Pam Sustak.
The Finance Committee is responsible for the financial wellbeing of the congregation. The committee completes a monthly review of income and expenses and makes recommendations to the Church Council. The committee also develops the annual budget. If you are interested in participating in the Finance Committee, please contact Robin Heilmann or Linda Griffin.
The Hospitality Committee plans fellowship events for the congregation, including coffee hours, celebrations, and an annual picnic. If you are interested in participating in the Hospitality Committee, please contact Ann Novak or Karen Wolff.
The Investment Committee is responsible for insuring that the Endowment and Parsonage funds are managed appropriately. The committee meets quarterly with an investment advisor and makes adjustments in strategy as appropriate. If you are interested in participating in the Investment Committee, please contact Jim Kershner or Guy Catapano.
The Mission/Outreach Committee is committed to sharing God’s love by supporting the surrounding communities. The committee’s focus is on oppressed and marginalized communities, primarily the food- and housing-insecure as well as the local LGBTQ+ and immigrant communities. The Outreach team has an aggressive schedule of events and is always looking for people who are called to actively participate in social justice work. If you are interested in participating in the Ministry/Outreach Committee, please contact Jim Kershner or Joe Light.
Mutual Ministry
The Mutual Ministry Committee oversees personnel matters in the church. The committee provides coaching and guidance to the paster to ensure their success, assists in hiring church staff, and can be enlisted to help reconcile differences between congregants. If you are interested in participating in the Mutual Ministry Committee, please contact Rich Novak.
The Property Committee is responsible for the church's two properties. The committee provides routine maintenance and manages service contracts for housekeeping, security, and major maintenance. The committee also makes recommendations to the Church Council for the capital improvements budget. If you are interested in participating in the Property Committee, please contact Kevin Heilmann or Sri Tatipaka.
Worship & Music
The Worship & Music Committee does seasonal planning of the worship liturgy and detailed planning of special events and holidays. The committee aims to provide a vibrant worship experience by incorporating traditional and contemporary elements of liturgy and music. If you are interested in participating in the Worship & Music Committee, please contact Pastor Scott.