Emanuel: An Inclusive Community
The people of Emanuel understand the Christian faith as good news for all people. With our mission to celebrate love, we believe inclusion is our priority. All people are welcome to participate fully in the life of the community. This welcome derives from the Christian message and the Lutheran spirit that views God's grace extended to all people. A congregation which invokes God's name should reflect this grace in its life and teachings.
As a testimony to this, Emanuel has long been a Reconciling in Christ church, which means that Emanuel has intentionally and publicly extended its welcome to LGBTQ+ persons. Emanuel was the first church to do so in the New Jersey Synod and ever since has been a forceful voice for the full inclusion of persons of all sexual orientations in the life of the church.
The spirit of inclusion is apparent in all aspects of the life of the congregation and is reflected in this large banner which is dramatically displayed on the front of the Emanuel Christian Education Building.
Anti-Racism Statement
The Gospel of Jesus Christ calls us to confront racism in our individual lives, in society, and especially in Church.
We are particularly concerned about institutional racism—the combination of prejudice and the institutional power to enforce prejudice. We understand that confronting racism requires more than changing individual attitudes; it requires a structural change in institutions and communities.
We strive to become faithful witnesses to God who has created all people to the image and likeness of God. We seek to make real our commitment to dismantle racism through worship, Christian education, social ministry, and partnerships with our community.
Disability and Accessibility
You’ll find Emanuel is free of architectural barriers from the front of our building to the sanctuary and social hall and restrooms. We recognize that other types of accommodations are based on an individuals’ disability and preferences, we invite you to call or email us to discuss accommodations for other disabilities. (732) 545-2673; emanuelnb.org@gmail.com
Since 2000, Emanuel Lutheran Church in New Brunswick, NJ has been accessible to individuals in wheelchairs. A new ramp was installed in 1999 to provide access to the main entrance of the church. An automated wheelchair lift was installed to provide access from the main entrance and narthex area to the sanctuary of the church. In addition, a special portable wheelchair lift was purchased to provide access from the main entrance hallway to the lower level social hall. Individuals in wheelchairs are able to wheel directly on to either lift and gain full access to the sanctuary or social hall of the church.