Our Council

The Church Council is the representative body that governs Emanuel Lutheran Church. The Council meets after worship on the third Sunday of every month.

Role of the Council
Per our constitution, Emanuel is governed by a council of members who oversee and direct the congregation's operation. The council is composed of the pastor and a group of laypeople. Emanuel is a participatory democracy where the Council and pastor work together to provide administrative and spiritual leadership to the congregation.

All members are encouraged to participate in congregational leadership.

Members of the Council:

Rev. Scott Rush, Pastor – Worship & Music

Jim Kershner, President – Endowment, Investment, & Mission/Outreach

Tiina Nummela, Vice-President – Education

Robin Heilmann, Treasurer (non-voting member)

Sarah Wilson, Secretary

Linda Griffin – Finance

Kevin Heilmann – Property

Susan Mitchell – Emanuel Cares

Jake Moni

Sri Tatipaka

Karen Wolff – Hospitality


Congregational Constitution

Emanuel Lutheran Church follows the most recent model constitution approved by the ELCA Churchwide Assembly. The model constitution is supplemented by bylaws specific to each congregation. The approved constitution can be viewed at this link.