Emanuel is wheelchair accessible. A ramp is available to bring you into the church building, and wheelchair lifts are available for entry into the sanctuary and social hall. Ushers are available to assist you. If you have a visual, hearing or other disability, please contact us to arrange accommodations. Come to a barrier-free worship experience.
Dress at Emanuel is informal. However, if you prefer to dress up that is fine too. If you are most comfortable in jeans, so are many others. Even though Emanuel does now have air conditioning, in the summer months, you may still want to dress comfortably for warm weather. Come as you are, dress casually and comfortably.
The Emanuel worship experience is engaging. We have highly trained professionals who direct the worship music. We have an adult volunteer choir as well as a bell choir, featured congregational instrumentalists and music in the Sunday School program. More importantly, congregational singing is energetic and spirited. Come and plan to have music be a part of your worship experience.
At Emanuel, every effort is made to lift the language of worship above the limitations of gender. This effort is made in order to honor the infinite greatness of God and is intended as an act of praise to the One in whom we live and move and have our being. Come open to new expressions in the prayer and praise of God.
Holy Communion is the defining sacrament that binds us together as a community and sustains us in our life as a church. Believing that Christ is the guest and host of this meal, it is not our invitation but his. All are welcome to the table of grace and forgiveness. Please come forward via the center aisle and gather around the altar rail (you may kneel if you feel so called). You will receive a piece of bread which you can either dip into the first chalice (of dealcoholized wine), or you may eat the bread and drink from the second chalice. You may then return to your seat via the side aisles. If moving is difficult for you, please let an usher know and the Pastor will bring communion to you. Come and participate in the meal that makes us one.
You will meet people from many ethnic and racial backgrounds as well as members from many other denominational backgrounds. Worship takes place on the second floor in the sanctuary and you will be guided there, walking up the stairs or using the wheelchair lift. Emanuel is a warm and loving community and we do express this during the exchange of peace in the worship service. You will be free to participate as fully or as little as you like. Come to be welcomed into a warm, welcoming community.
In terms of the worship experience, there are a few other things worth knowing. If you are accustomed to signing yourself with the cross when the blessing is given, feel free to do so. If you feel tired or weak, please sit. If you need assistance for any reason, we have ushers stationed in the back of the church to assist you. If you are lost in the worship booklet, just ask someone near you. Restrooms are downstairs in the social hall. There is a nursery on the first floor to accommodate little ones. And if you want us to mention someone in the prayers of the church, you can write that prayer request on the slip of paper in your pew and drop it into the offering plate. Come and participate freely in worship.
Finally, after worship, you will be greeted as you leave the church. You are invited to leave your name and contact information, but there is no pressure. We hope the experience feels right to you, and we hope you will worship with us again. Come and plan to return.